Useful tips based on my travelling experiences

Don’t book ahead too much. If you are travelling for 2 weeks you will have a plan that you have to stick to so you will have to have most places booked. However, if you are travelling for over 2 weeks give yourself some space to be spontaneous. If you meet people and they are going somewhere that sounds amazing and you feel like you would have a good time, don’t turn it down because you have somewhere booked already. I allowed myself to do this in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Canada and I don’t regret it one bit.

Don’t move on for the sake of moving on. If you are in a place and are enjoying it stay a little while longer. Don’t chase the next place too much. If you are enjoying yourself stay and carry on enjoying yourself. You won’t appreciate the next place if you move on when you aren’t ready and are comparing it to where you have just left. Travelling isn’t about just ticking places off the map.

Spend time with the locals. Eat with them, drink with them, listen to music with them. You are travelling to experience other cultures and there is no better way than sitting and socialising with them. When you are in South East Asia staying in guesthouses and beach huts there will be times when the guys working there will be having a break in their shifts. Go and sit with them and talk to them. They will be so happy that you have taken the time to do this. Even though the language barrier can sometimes be tough you still end up laughing and joking with them.

Use public transport. If you are on your own and it is late at night and you don’t feel comfortable then don’t use public transport. But when possible catch the train or local bus. The time passes so quickly as you are taking in all the things that are going on. I still think back to the bus I got from Maya (Malapuasca Island) to Cebu in the Philippines. Around £2.50 for a 5 hour journey. Buying food through the window of the bus, posing for photographs with locals, resting a chicken in a cage on my knee while the lady next to me sorted her luggage out.

Allow your budget to flex a bit. When backpacking you are on a budget and there will be times when you have to make decisions on whether you can afford to do something you want to do or not. You can’t do everything when backpacking. You have to make choices between sky diving and bungee jumping, scuba diving and white water rafting. But if there is something happening that isn’t going to blow the budget, do it. Go on the hostel pub crawl, go for a meal with the guys out the hostel, go on the sightseeing tour. Budgets can be flexible, you won’t regret what you did, only what you didn’t do. Stay in a few weekends when you get home and you will have saved that money that you spent making memories when travelling.

Photograph is Malapuasca Island, Philippines.

If you are going travelling or know somebody who is, check out my website for your Backpacking Essentials. the hassle-free way to prepare for a backpacking trip.

Or  check us out on social media





Why January is the best time to go travelling

So this is my first ever blog post. I am definitely a novice when it comes to this.

I just wanted to try and spread a bit of enthusiasm and motivation to anybody who is thinking of going travelling and not knowing when is the best time to go.

The majority of my backpacking trips over the past decade have started in January. There are several reasons behind this so hopefully by the end of reading this blog you might be persuaded to book that trip.

Number 1: This is the most obvious one, January in the UK is DEPRESSING! You are half a year away from summer and a nearly a full year away from the next Christmas party.

Number 2: January is the UK’s coldest month. Why put yourself through that when you could be somewhere else… leading onto number 3…

Number 3: January is the best month to visit popular gap year destinations – Australia, Goa, Thailand, Brazil and Mexico. This is based on temperature and hours of sunshine. You will also pay less for accommodation than in December as most places increase hostel/hotel price over the Christmas period.

Number 4: You might have received money instead of presents for Christmas so can put that towards paying for your trip.

Number 5: You might want to detox in January. Goa and Thailand have so many yoga retreats for all different abilities that you can visit for anything between 1 day and 14 days. Detox in amazing surroundings.

There are more reasons but lets just focus on UK cold, abroad hot. In all honesty every month is a good month to start travelling but usually January is the worst month to not be travelling.

If this has swayed you into booking a trip take a look at my website for the essentials you will need whilst travelling.

Thanks for reading.